
Show with 110 % success guarantee!

The show takes 40 minutes

Show with 110 % success guarantee!

The show takes 40 minutes

Children shows

During the show, children are invited to the stage to help the magician say magic spells and perform mysterious gestures which makes the impossible turn into the possible.

The programme includes specially designed tricks so that the children will not have any problem with interpretation of illusion, and all the effects are presented with colourful objects, raising their interest. And, of course, there is a magical fairy tale with a happy ending, too.

Good relationship of a magician and children ensures great fun which for sure will stay in their memory. The youngest like spells and magic shows a lot. They have great fun trying to solve the puzzles and laughing through the entire show. The show takes 40 minutes and is dedicated for kids from 12 years of age. It may be extended on client’s request.

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