

A type of the art of table illusion where magic is in your hand and within the reach of your sight!


A type of the art of table illusion where magic is in your hand and within the reach of your sight!


A type of the art of table illusion where magic is in your hand and within the reach of your sight!

Lucas Microillusion show programme combines a never-ending range of different effects such as disappearance of objects borrowed from a spectator, which are finally found in the most inexplicable locations.

You will see, among others, a 10-zloty banknote turning into a 100-zloty, selected cards disappearing from a deck and many other puzzling effects.

Magic Lucas will present to you and your guests his mastery even at the lit Black Jack table or he may come to the guests’ table to demonstrate a few of his tricks. So, he could ask a selected person to tell him the time when a person’s watch is already, by some coincidence, in his pocket.

Micrroillusion shows are the perfect completion of Stage Show or Magic Show. A combination of shows makes perfect entertainment for the entire evening.

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