
Illusion training

Illusion training

Illusion training

Individual or group classes of the art of illusion. We teach basic and advanced techniques, secrets, prepare for shows, organize mock shows with assessment and experts’ advice. 

At the first meeting, you will familiarise yourself with secret techniques and learn a few simple routines which you will use later in your shows. Consequently, you will save plenty of time to focus immediately on what’s really important.

We train children and adults. No matter if you want to impress your friend or you are considering doing it professionally.

Magic is an art which gives lifelong memories.

Nazywam się Magic Lucas i od ponad 7 lat zajmuję się iluzją! 

Magic is a fantastic field and I want to share it with you all.
My online shows have reached 1,000,000 views with the number still growing. I give around 100 private shows a year.


lessons and video


spectacular tricks


on-line course


° 25 spectacular magic tricks
° everything is discussed step by step
° online help in case of problems
° unlimited access to videos

Please contact us.

149zł 99zł

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